هل ضاقت بلادك بك أم ضاقت الأرحام

هل ضاقت بلادك بك أم ضاقت الأرحام

A refugee girl moves under barbed wire as she crosses from Serbia to Hungary, in Roszke, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015. Over 10,000 migrants, including many women with babies and small children, have crossed into Serbia over the past few days and headed toward Hungary. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)
A refugee girl moves under barbed wire as she crosses from Serbia to Hungary, in Roszke, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015. Over 10,000 migrants, including many women with babies and small children, have crossed into Serbia over the past few days and headed toward Hungary. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)


هل ضاقت بلادك بك

أم جفّت الأرحام

أم ماتت رجولتهم

وسادت الأزلام

أم فُقئت عيون الفجر

وازدهر الظلام

أم سُدّت سماء الله

وخانت التيجان

حتى كفرتِ بأرض

صرتِ لعبتها

ومنحت روحك

للمدى السكران..

أنور الخطيب



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